I would like to be able to automatically parse JSON objects into instance variables. For example, with this JSON.
require 'httparty'
json = HTTParty.get('http://api.dribbble.com/players/simplebits') #=> {"shots_count":150,"twitter_screen_name":"simplebits","avatar_url":"http://dribbble.com/system/users/1/avatars/thumb/dancederholm-peek.jpg?1261060245","name":"Dan Cederholm","created_at":"2009/07/07 21:51:22 -0400","location":"Salem, MA","following_count":391,"url":"http://dribbble.com/players/simplebits","draftees_count":104,"id":1,"drafted_by_player_id":null,"followers_count":2214}
I'd like to be able to do this:
And have it output:
How could I possibly do this?
Well, getting what you want is hard, but getting close is easy:
You should definitely use something like
, but if you really need objectified hash, you could create a new class for this:After that, use it:
Not exactly what you are looking for, but this will get you closer:
Hope this helps!