This is sort of a follow-up to Why are my cookies containing JSON occasionally malformed, which we have resolved.
I have a 3-value cookie, and we're url encoding the main value. The other two values are a timestamp and a hash. It looks like this in our response header:
foo=d=634027688530013385&v=%7b%22HasDog%22%3afalse%2c%22Greeting%22%3anull%2c%22RecentRecipes%22%3a%5b%5d%2c%22Remember%22%3afalse%7d&h=ARv5QGf4Cnftc4tFaPoy/VH8Pbo=; path=/; HttpOnly
In our logs, we see cases where we can't parse the three values correctly because the entire cookie is now encoded:
Cookie looks mangled: d%3D634027653097874122%26v%3D%7B%22HasAcceptedTerms%22%3Afalse%2C%22RecipeBoxCount%22%3A0%2C%22Remember%22%3Afalse%7D%26h%3DR85mJ%2FTdA6yrVe5pVCVpfG2jumM%3D
Unfortunately, we're not capturing the user agent to see if this is related to a specific browser.
I have several options to fix this. I just think the behavior is odd enough to warrant a question.
This may not be an answer but....
This is interesting and warrants a deeper look.
I would like to see a public facing test page that shows red or green with the cookie in bold text and then run it through
I did this when I thought I had found a bug in mozilla's native json support. turns out I was right.
Get your testpage working for sure for sure before you fill out the form for a free trial (200 shots), set the resolution to 640/480 and select all browsers/platform, 182 distinct combinations, set a delay to allow the redirection to set the cookie and track down the culprit.
Or take the time and get on
Please do follow up on this.