I'm just learning docker and all of its goodness like swarm and compose. My intention is to create a Redis cluster in docker swarm.
Here is my compose file -
version: '3'
image: redis:alpine
command: ["redis-server","--appendonly yes","--cluster-enabled yes","--cluster-node-timeout 60000","--cluster-require-full-coverage no"]
replicas: 5
condition: on-failure
- 6379:6379
- 16379:16379
external: true
If I add the network: - host
then none of the containers start, if I remove it then the containers start but when I try to connect it throws an error like CLUSTERDOWN Hash slot not served
Specs -
Windows 10
Docker Swarm Nodes -
2 Virtual Box VMs running Alpine Linux 3.7.0 with two networks
VirtualBox VM Network -
eth0 - NAT
eth1 - VirtualBox Host-only network
Docker running inside the above VMs -
This seems to work for me, network config from here :
Then run for example:
echo yes | docker run -i --rm --entrypoint redis-cli redis:5.0.3 --cluster create{1,2,3}:6379 --cluster-replicas 0
Replace your IPs obviously.
For anyone struggling with this unfortunately this can't be done via
yet. Refer to this issue Start Redis cluster #79. The only way to do this is by getting the IP address and ports of all the nodes that are running Redis and then running this command in any of the swarm nodes.