How can I capture a video recording on Android?
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Here is a simple video recording example using the MediaRecorder:
It's from my book: Pro Android Media: Developing Graphics, Music, Video, and Rich Media Apps for Smartphones and Tablets
Also, do not forget to include these permissions in manifest:
The above example will work if you are using rear camera. If you are using front camera, you will have to adjust some things:
First off, you will need to add new permission in the manifest.
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false" />
In your
method, instead ofYou need to use:
is reserved for the rear camera.You will also have to set the video size for mediarecorder as it is in your surface view.
Here is the full example of recording video from front camera with a small preview display:
This demo will helpful for you....
Your Main Activity:
MediaMetadataRetriever Class
You record audio and video using the same MediaRecorder class. It's pretty simple. Here's an example.
For the benefit of searchers, this example will give you an active preview, with a start/stop button for recording. It was modified from this android blog and seems fairly reliable.
java class (VideoWithSurfaceVw)
activity (activity_video_with_surface_vw)
Here is another example which is working
And of course include these permission in manifest: