I created Intents, entities so and so using 'Dialogflow chat-bot', Now,I'm trying to integrate dialogflow with my website(html), I followed the documented instructions from the dialogflow official website, still I'm confused , after enabling the web demo option,How to edit the contents inside the attached image and how to launch chat-bot in my website?
I followed instructions from "https://dialogflow.com/docs/integrations/web-demo"
Thank you
Dialogflow doesn't provide any direct way to integrate the agent with your website. As robert mentioned in his answer The web demo integration really is just for demo purposes and not customizable. If You want to integrate dialogflow agent in your website you have two options:
Dialogflow provides APIs and SDKs for integration. You need to integrate these APIs in your website. You can refer to this article for more information on this.
Another way is to use any third party tool which provides Dialogflow integrations. In my opinion, Kommunicate provides smooth Dialogflow Integration with a set of Actionable Messages. This article might be helpful for you.
The web demo integration really is just for demo purposes and not customizable. To do a real integration with your website with custom UI, you call the “detect intent” API from your server and build your own UI around it.
See https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/reference/rest/v2beta1/projects.agent.sessions/detectIntent
You should be able to customize the web-demo. If you look at the html of the web-demo you will notice that the content of the chatbot is inside an iframe tag. The iframe tag is basically an embedded page inside your current page. You can copy the content of this iframe tag with your project's dialogflow scr code into your website and customoze the style and html. You can also add a floating chat icon by javascript toggle-class to display the chatbot when the icon is clicked:
As per all response, my own conclusion also says that web demo is not a right way...
Our main interest in this method :
Check out this link first : https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/reference/rest/v2/projects.agent.sessions/detectIntent#QueryInput
On this page, check out Request body and it's param
. In query input you can pass text. And then check out Response body. In responsequeryResult
is what we are looking for.One more thing is, we must use
API rather thenrest