I have this USB Relay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/5V-USB-Relay-2-Channel-Programmable-Computer-Control-For-Smart-Home-/141097843081?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20da163989 Al I need is to send close/open to the device (to turn on & off an LED light)
How can I do that using C# or C++?
Thanks Boaz
There is a link on the ebay Link
or goto this location http://www.gg520.top:81/069/
Then select 26484 2026483.rar
The 26484 26483.rar is what I needed for Windows. .exe files for graphic and for command line for testing and .dll for my own development. Found here: http://files.elektroda.net/794975,26484++26483+usbrelayextlib.html
Here's what you need (tested on Linux) :
Use it like :
to switch the first relay on and off. ZG4HU_2 addresses the second relay and without arguments you even get the relay status.
-- Hans