I'm missing something....
I have a Grails webflow that looks like this:-
def childFlow = {
start {
action {
def targets = []
Target.list().each {target ->
targets.add(new TargetCommand(name: target.name, id: target.id))
log.debug "targets are $targets"
[children: targets]
TargetCommand is serializable. but I get this error:-
Caused by: java.io.NotSerializableException: com.nerderg.groupie.donate.Target
For some reason the "target" object that is inside the Target.list().each {} closure is getting put into the flow scope, and I can't figure out how to mark it as transient.
I have some code in a Service that has objects placed in the flow scope when I don't want them to too.
How do I stop local transient variables in closures being put in the flow scope?
Refining the above answer instead of clearing the persistenceContext we simply evict the instances as we finish with them, like so:
This is still a work-around for not being able to mark the closure variables as transient
If like me you need to evict all maybe you like to do
The answer to my question is:
the flow object is a map that contains a reference to the "persistenceContext" which is a org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl so the flow tries to store the entire session, even if the objects are not changed (for context I suppose)
this incorrect example from grails 1.1.x doc gives us a clue what to do:
The flow.clear() clears the entire flow map including the persistenceContext or the session, which then makes the whole flow fail due to lack of a session.
so the intermediate "solution" is to use the persistenceContext and in this case clear it. So this works:-
The obvious problem with this is that the session is cleared completely, instead of just keeping out things I don't want in the flow.
for want of a better way, here is a generalised solution that removes any non Serializable objects from the persistenceContext of the flow. This could be a service method given the flow:-