I want to set a property in an ant task differently by os type.
The property is a directory, in windows i want it to be "c:\flag" in unix/linux "/opt/flag".
My current script only works when i run it with the default target, but why ?
<target name="checksw_path" depends="if_windows, if_unix"/>
<target name="checkos">
<condition property="isWindows">
<os family="windows" />
<condition property="isLinux">
<os family="unix" />
<target name="if_windows" depends="checkos" if="isWindows">
<property name="sw.root" value="c:\flag" />
<echo message="${sw.root}"/>
<target name="if_unix" depends="checkos" if="isLinux">
<property name="sw.root" value="/opt/flag" />
<echo message="${sw.root}"/>
In all my ant targets i've added a "depends=checksw_path".
If i run the default target in windows i've got correctly "c:\flag" but if i run a non default target i've got that the debug goes in the if_windows but the instruction " " does not set the property that remains /opt/flag. I'm using ant 1.7.1.
First you want to set a variable to true or false based on the operating system (OS):
Then you want to trigger your logic using the variable. For that you can find the answer here:
You need to set value "true" to the property for the if condition to work. See the code below:
HTH, Hari
By using Ant Contrib you can simplify your build file by reducing the amount of elements you need to declare in order add these conditions.
I solved executing the ant task with the value for sw.root using -Dsw.root=c:\flag (for windows) or -Dsw.root=/opt/superwaba (for linux).
Anyway thanks
I used this script, and it worked well for me:
Try setting
<sysproperty key="foobar" value="fowl"/>
in your java task. Then, in your app, use System.getProperty("foobar");