I am trying to get song name
/ artist name
/ song length
/ bitrate
etc from a remote .mp3 file
such as http://shiro-desu.com/scr/11.mp3 .
I have tried getID3 script but from what i understand it doesn't work for remote files as i got this error: "Remote files are not supported - please copy the file locally first"
Also, this code:
$tag = id3_get_tag( "http://shiro-desu.com/scr/11.mp3" );
did not work either.
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function id3_get_tag() in /home4/shiro/public_html/scr/index.php on line 2"
As you haven't mentioned your error I am considering a common error case
undefined function
The error you get (undefined function) means the ID3 extension is not enabled in your PHP configuration:
If you dont have Id3 extension file .Just check here for installation info.