I'm not quite familiar with programming ASP classic. I just need a small code to run on my webpage. How do i count the record of the returned query?
Set rsscroll = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Dim strSQLscroll, rsscroll
strSQLscroll = "SELECT * FROM tblItems where expiration_date > getdate() order by expiration_date desc;"
rsscroll.open strSQLscroll,oConn
You could just change your SQL to count the records:
Then you just need to
response.write rsscroll("Total")
<% ' TableID = your tables ID...
You can try this
Get in the habbit of storing returned data in arrays. This is amazingly faster to iterate than using an open record set. Also, specify the fields to select when doing this as you have to explicitly reference the array index.
If you are using MySQL try this: