I'm new to JProfiler. I came into a problem recently. My Java app is running in docker which means the JVM is runnning in docker. But my jprofile is installed in the host machine. I know the jprofiler must connect to a JVM. So, is there anyway that the jprofiler can connect to jvm running in docker?
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It is similar as connects JProfiler to a remote JVM, you just need to have the JProfiler agent ready inside your container and expose the port.
This post has a step by step guide http://geekspearls.blogspot.com.au/2016/08/configure-jprofiler-92-to-profiling.html
You can use this dockerfile; https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/gingerbeard/java8-jprofiler/dockerfile/
make sure to check the ports.
The JProfiler GUI connects to the profiling agent that is loaded in the profiled JVM through a TCP socket.
This is always the case, also if the profiled JVM and the JProfiler GUI are running on the same machine.
Invoking "Session->Integration wizards->New remote integration" will give you the instructions to set this up manually.