Since I've update my PhoneGap to version 3.5.0-0.20.10 I get problems in my project.
When I'm running the PhoneGap service, then I see in the cli;
[phonegap] 200 /
But I don't use
. Using the Chrome developer tools I see that in my project is a
folder with a
. So I think PhoneGap import it by itself.
And my RequireJS have now a problem:
Uncaught ReferenceError: io is not defined
I tried to remove RequireJS, then it works but I need RequireJS. All works perfectly on the older version 3.5.0-0.20.5
Found the answer ... Modify consoler.js under phonegap's node-modules directory (typically /usr/local/lib/node_modules/phonegap/node_modules/connect-phonegap/res/middleware) to load through AMD rather than directly: