I have an @XML document created from a single select statement.
I want to insert the xsi:nil as an attribute of 'targetNode' for this document.
@XML.modify( 'insert attribute xsi:nil {"true"} into (root/node/node1/targetNode) [1]')
The above will insert the attribute into the first occurance of the targetNode in the @XML document. The insert statement however will only work on a single node. Is there any way I can insert this attribute into all instances of targetNode in the @XML document.
you can do this in the select, that you are using to create your xml, using the XSINILL parameter.
(here is a very rough example)
I found a simple and elegant solution in DML operations on multiple nodes http://blogs.msdn.com/b/denisruc/archive/2005/09/19/471562.aspx
The idea is to count how many nodes and modify them one by one:
That's not possible with the modify-function. It only works on a single node.
You can manipulate it as string, although that is definitely ugly and possibly wrong in some cases, depending on the actual structure of your XML.
Like this: