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- How to get unique values in an array 28 answers
I have a very simple array that has duplicate values. My array is like this:
$scope.type= ["Bar", "Pie", "Line", "Line", "Line", "Line", "Line", "Line", "map", "Line", "Bar", "Pie", "Pie", "Pie", "Pie", "Pie", "Pie", "Pie"]
in my ng-repeat, I have this condition
ng-repeat = types in type track by $index
How can I display only the unique values from my array in ng-repeat?
Try this loop :
To achieve expected result first sort and then filter with ng-if
code sample -
You can use
filter while usingng-repeat
.Use lodash for convert your array to unque element array
To use loadsh you need to use cdn for lodash
If you don't want to include Lodash, you can do this: