I want to use JAX-WS API to create a WS-Addressing enabled web service client. I used wsimport to create the client stub from the WSDL file, and can enable/disable WS-Addressing by using the AddressingFeature, e.g.
Hello hello = service.getHelloSoap11(new AddressingFeature(true, true));
However, I cannot find any samples in web that customize the WS-Addressing ReplyTo/FaultTo endpoint reference. Basically I want to create a WS request like the following (see the wsa:ReplyTo element):
<soapenv:Envelope ...>
<soapenv:Header xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing">
<wsa:To soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">http://localhost:8080/poc/helloService/
<field1 xmlns="http://mycompany.com/poc/cust">some value1</field1>
<field2 xmlns="http://mycompany.com/poc/cust">some value2</field2>
I can add endpoint reference if using Spring Web Service client. However, I need to do it using JAX-WS. Any ideas?
I answer my own question.
It seems that the standard JAX-WS API does not provide a convenient way to customize the WS-Addressing From/ReplyTo/FaultTo endpoint references. However, each JAX-WS runtime may provide additional proprietary API to set the headers.
For example, the IBM JAX-WS RI provides an EndpointReferenceManager SPI to create the endpoint reference:
The above code, when running inside IBM Websphere, will produce a SOAP message like the following:
I've found a way to do this with standard JAX-WS. When getting a port, use both AddressingFeature and OneWayFeature.
This will produce messages with "ReplyTo" tag. You may have to grab "com.sun.xml.ws:jaxws-rt" dependency for this.