Is it possible to retrieve entered tag values from

2019-05-10 05:40发布

I am using the DocuSign REST API to created an embedded signing for a predefined document template using the /envelopes/{envelopeID}/views/recipient call. I know it is possible to pre-populate tag values when creating the envelope, but is it possible to retrieve the value the recipient actually provides in a given tag field for use in the application after signing is complete? If so, does anyone have an example?

标签: docusignapi
Fickle 薄情
2楼-- · 2019-05-10 05:59

Yes there are at least a couple of ways to retrieve tab values from the signed (completed) docs. I believe Justin's answer is one way. You can also use the Get Tab Information for a Recipient API call, which will return tabs information (values included):


  • /accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/recipients/{recipientId}/tabs


  • GET

Example from DocuSign API Docs:

    GET https://{server}/restapi/{apiVersion}/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/recipients/{recipientId}/tabs

    X-DocuSign-Authentication: <DocuSignCredentials><Username>{name}</Username><Password>{password}</Password><IntegratorKey>{integrator_key}</IntegratorKey></DocuSignCredentials>
    Accept: application/json
    Content-Type: application/json

Sample Response:

        <Tab information removed>
        <Tab information removed>
3楼-- · 2019-05-10 06:12

Sounds like you are trying to Get Envelope Recipient Status with the optional query include_tabs page 133

Example Request

GET https://{server}/restapi/{apiVersion}/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json


The response returns the recipient types and current routing order. The recipient types includes the recipient name, email, ID, recipient type, routing order, authentication status (including the date/time and result of the authentication) status (including the date/time of the status changes) and, if the recipient status is declined and a reason is required, a decline reason added by the recipient.If the optional query include_tabs is set to true, the tabs associated with the recipient are returned.

The following example shows the response json body

Example Response

  "signers": [
      "tabs": {
        "textTabs": [
            "height": 11,
            "name": "Text",
            "value": "this is  a test",
            "width": 66,
            "required": "false",
            "locked": "false",
            "disableAutoSize": "false",
            "tabLabel": "TAB1",
            "documentId": "1",
            "recipientId": "ed0e8744-6243-4708-9186-0e3ccf4cb3a4",
            "pageNumber": "1",
            "xPosition": "93",
            "yPosition": "142",
            "tabId": "2c7b4d94-d958-44df-b5a7-2b530ce914ed"
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