On TFS 2010 we set up a build script to automatically run and deploy to our test environment no more than every 4 hours. So the trigger of the build definition is "Rolling builds - accumulate check-ins until the prior build finishes" with the check box checked for "Build no more often than every [240] minutes". The way I'm interpreting this is that if a build happens at 16:25, and there's 3 check-ins in the next 30 minutes (the last happening at 16:52), then the next build will happen at 20:25.
The issue we're seeing is that if this sequence of events happens on a Friday, then the next triggered build doesn't occur until Monday morning. We do have two build agents on their own separate virtual machine from TFS, but all machines are up and running 24/7.
There's nothing that anybody on the team is aware of that would cause this behavior, so we're at a loss for why we're seeing it. Are we simply misunderstanding the meaning of Rolling Build, or is there configuration setting we forgot to check?
EDIT: For what it's worth, the entirety of the build & deployment process takes all of 90-120 seconds. So there were not any check-ins that occurred while it was still building.
The Accumulate check-ins means that when you check-in a changeset, if there is no build of this build definition in 240 minutes, TFS will queue a build automatically. But if do not check-in a changeset, no builds will be queued.
Builds should be triggered as you wrote. 3rd build should be triggered after the first check-in after 20:25 build not before 0:25 on Saturday. :)
Try to check if changesets were not checked into the location cloaked in the build definition workspace (or checked into the location not mapped by build definition workspace).