I'm attempting to automate the updating of a file in a stream using 'scm'
Here is how I think it should work :
- Login to the repository as current user (me)
- Create a new repository workspace which contains all of the components of a given Stream
- Load the components of the newly created workspace
- Update the file
I'm on point 2. Reading about the 'create workspace' doc on http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/rtc/v1r0m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.team.scm.doc%2Ftopics%2Fc_scm_cli.html it does'nt mention how to create a new workspace which contains all of the components of a given stream. So how can I implement point 2 ?
Any comments on my methodolgy if can be improved upon also appreciated.
I've logged into the rtc repo via scm and this is the command I am using to try and create the snapshot from the stream
scm create snapshot -n test -d test "mystream"
But I receive an error :
Problem running 'create snapshot':
subcommand "snapshot" requires argument-based initialization, but does not provide a directory argument.
Is my command correct ?
Your best option would be to create first a snapshot on the stream, and then to add that snapshot to your repository workspace.
See this thread:
That would add all the component baselines in one command, by associating the snapshot to the new stream (see this thread)