The problem is I render a view and send some data
console.log(products); // shows an array
res.render('seller/sell',{'shop_id':req.user.shop_id ,'products':products});
and I save the data like this in jade
if(products !='')
each val , key in products
a(href!='home/sell/edit?id=#{} ',class='product')
img(class='product_thum',src!='#{ val.product_thum}',alt!='#{ val.product_name}',title!='#{ val.product_name}')
p.product_name #{ val.product_name}
and then I try to get the products
var d = $('#pd').val();
console.log(typeof d); //shows string
I know that products shuld be a array otherwise
if(products !='')
each val , key in products
a(href!='home/sell/edit?id=#{} ',class='product')
img(class='product_thum',src!='#{ val.product_thum}',alt!='#{ val.product_name}',title!='#{ val.product_name}')
p.product_name #{ val.product_name}
Wont work, but why did I get a string when I need the array?
What did I do wrong?
You cannot 'store' an array in a hidden input field, but what you could do is store a list of the product id's, something like this:
Then, in your jade view:
The value of
will now be a comma separated list of product IdsNot particularly elegant, but it solves the problem.
Best way to show comma separated string Example data = abc,pqr,lmn;