Given Multiple (N) lines in 3d space, find the point minimizing the distance to all lines.
- Given that the Shortest distance between a line [aX + b] and a point [P] will be on the perpendicular line [aX+b]–[P] I can express the minimal squared distance as the sum of squared line distances, eg. ([aX+b]–[P])^2 +…+ ([aX+b]n–[P])^2 .
- Since the lines are perpendicular I can use Dot Product to express [P] in the line terms
I have considered using Least Squares for estimating the point minimizing the distance, the problem is that the standard least squares will approximate the best fitting line/curve given a set of points, What I need is the opposite, given a set of lines estimate the best fitting point.
How should this be approached ?
Following is solution using calculus :-
Using Partial differentiation :-
Use Gradient Descent using certain learning rate and random restarts to solve find minimum as much as possible
From wikipedia, we read that the squared distance between line
a'x + b = 0
and pointp
is(a'p+b)^2 / (a'a)
. We can therefore see that the point that minimizes the sum of squared distances is a weighted linear regression problem with one observation for each line. The regression model has the following properties:a
for each lineax+b=0
for each lineax+b=0
for each lineax+b=0
You should be able to solve this problem with any standard statistical software.
An approach:
This reduces into a simple optimization question once you have the N equations. Of course, the difficulty of the last step depends heavily on the criterion you choose (least squares is simple, minimax not that simple.)
One thing that might help you forward is to find the simplest form of equation giving the distance from a point to line. Your thinking is correct in your #1, but you will need to think a bit more (or then check "distance from a point to line" with any search engine).
I have solved the same problem using hill climbing. Consider a single point and 26 neighbours
away from it(points on a cube centered at the current point). If the distance from the point is better than the distance from all neighbours, divide step by 2, otherwise make the neighbor with best distance new current point. Continue until step is small enough.