I'm trying to save a pdf file using the html2pdf PHP class. The code is this:
$this->html2pdf->Output('directory/file_name.'.pdf', 'F');
But I have alway this error TCPDF ERROR: Unable to create output file
the folder 'folder' (the name is an example, obviusly), exist and has the right permissions!
I tryed to omit the folder name, but this error appear anyway...
Anyone can help me?
If you already tried al these things, try
Worked for me!
thats because your folder dont have proper permissions.change your directory permissions. in linux you will do this like mentioned below.
make sure that your file('directory/file_name.'.pdf') is not open anywhere when you run script. if it's open somewhere else then TCPDF can't open it.
In the 'include/tcpdf_static.php' file about 2435 line in the static function 'fopenLocal' if I delete the complete 'if statement'... works fine.
Try this ...