I am trying to download CVS file using JavaScript. That CSV contains text in French language. I am creating file using blob
var blob = new Blob([ csv ], {
type : 'text/csv;charset=utf-8'
var csvUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
But when i open the csv file it shows the content in ANSII format due to which French characters are converted to some unknown characters.
But if i open the same file as text, the encoding is ok (UTF-8).
Example: Text I am trying to download "Opération"
Text Visible in Excel (.csv) ==> Opération <== With unknown characters
Text if opened in Notpad++ ==> Opération <== Correct UTF-8
How can i open Download CSV file directly with UTF-8 encoding? I don't want user to change anything in excel. I want some javascript format so that excel could recognize all my characters irrespective of its encoding. Is it possible to do something?
I met the same issue, and I found the following solution:
similar problem and solution
The only thing to do is add the "\ufeff" at the beginning of your csv string: