EDIT 3/31/14 -- No responses...still baffled by this behavior. Bump! Any thoughts?
I have set up some code in an Excel workbook on my local harddrive that navigates to a corporate sharepoint site, browses through a set of folders, and when it comes upon a file, it opens it and pulls some data down. I pieced a lot of it together from other posts and from a previous question I asked.
Here is the issue I have. If I run it without first going into the Sharepoint site and opening a file, it throws an error. However, once I have done so, it works fine. My only thought is that the Sharepoint site is expecting my corporate credentials (username and password), and since I'm not passing that in my
Set oWB = Workbooks.Open(MyPath)
command, it is denying me access. The error is throwing a description...just a long int value.
Here's the full code, with confidential stuff stripped out It basically uses recursion to get to the root child nodes. So I guess my question is two-fold...1) what's causing the issue; 2) if it is the network credentials, can I pass both a username and password somehow?:
Public Stack As New Collection
Public PrintLine As String
Public Spaces As String
Public fnum As Integer
Public outputFile As String
Sub NavigateSharepointSite()
On Error Resume Next
Dim spSite As String, spDir As String, spFile As String, url As String
spSite = "https://myteamssite"
spDir = ""
spFile = ""
url = spSite & spDir & spFile
Stack.Add (Array(spSite, spDir, spFile, url, "d", 0))
NavigateFolder spSite, spDir, url, 0
End Sub
Sub NavigateFolder(spSite As String, spDir As String, url As String, level As Integer)
Dim davDir As New ADODB.Record
Dim davFile As New ADODB.Record
Dim davFiles As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim isDir As Boolean
Dim tempURL As String
On Error GoTo showErr
tempURL = "URL=" & url
davDir.Open "", tempURL, adModeReadWrite, adFailIfNotExists, adDelayFetchStream
If davDir.RecordType = adCollectionRecord Then
Set davFiles = davDir.GetChildren() ''Returns recordset of all child records from parent
Do While Not davFiles.EOF
davFile.Open davFiles, , adModeRead
isDir = davFile.Fields("RESOURCE_ISCOLLECTION").Value
If Not isDir Then ''if not children
spFile = Replace(davFile.Fields("RESOURCE_PARSENAME").Value, "%20", " ")
url = spSite & spDir & "/" & spFile
Stack.Add (Array(spSite, spDir, spFile, url, "f", level))
If spFile Like "Quarterly*" Then
testthis (url)
End If
level = level + 1
url = Replace(davFile.Fields("RESOURCE_ABSOLUTEPARSENAME").Value, "%20", " ")
spDir = Right(url, Len(url) - Len(spSite))
Stack.Add (Array(spSite, spDir, "", url, "d", level))
NavigateFolder spSite, spDir, url, level
level = level - 1
End If
End If
Set davFiles = Nothing
Set davDir = Nothing
GoTo noErr
Call MsgBox(Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description & Chr(10) _
& "spSite=" & spSite & Chr(10) _
& "spDir= " & spDir & Chr(10) _
& "spFile=" & spFile, vbOKOnly, "Error")
End Sub
Private Function testthis(MyPath As String)
Dim oWB As Workbook '', MyPath As String
Debug.Print MyPath
If Workbooks.CanCheckOut(MyPath) = True Then
Set oWB = Workbooks.Open(MyPath)
oWB.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Debug.Print (oWB.Worksheets(1).Name)
oWB.Close False
Set oWB = Nothing
MsgBox ("File on Sharepoint can NOT be checked out." + Chr(13) + _
"Make sure no one else is working in the file." + Chr(13) + _
"Including yourself.")
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Really more of a work around than an answer but this might solve your issue for the time being ...
add the "Microsoft Internet Controls" Reference Library and add this to the beginning
Hopefully this will trigger your authentication and allow you to connect to the workbook...
You could try sending a HTTP request with your credentials, but the system will probably still ask for your credentials when you get to the point of opening the workbook, all this will really do is start the SharePoint session server-side which could possible stop the issue you're currently having (if that issue is due to authentication). Try the below code before you attempt to open the workbook:
Another option I tend to use with SharePoint, is to map a persistent network drive to the SharePoint directory and save your credentials at the point of connecting the drive - then just point to that drive in your code as you would any other drive.