I have searched a lot, but cannot find a helpful answer:
i want to have a list of totals from a period the user defines by giving me a start and end date. The totals should every time being from the start date to beginning with the start date and add every row 1 day. so the last row gives the totals from start to end date. example: - given period = start 2013-01-01 , end = 2013-01-31
total day 1 = 100
total day 2 = 0 (not listed in my totalsperday query, but should have a row in my final query)
total day 3 = 140
total day 4 = 20
final table should look like:
end day 1: 100
end day 2: 100
end day 3: 240
end day 4: 260
so i have a query who calculates all days:
SELECT '2013-01-01' as startdate, w.endDate
SELECT date('2013-01-01' + INTERVAL u.i*100 + v.i*10 + w.i DAY) AS endDate
FROM sysints AS u
JOIN sysints AS v
JOIN sysints AS w
WHERE ( u.i*100 + v.i*10 + w.i ) <=
SELECT DATEDIFF( '2013-01-31','2013-01-01') as ddff
) w
ORDER BY w.endDate ASC
and i have a query who calculates the totals per day
SELECT p.selldate, SUM(p.price) as totalPerDay
FROM products p
WHERE '2013-01-01' >= p.selldate <= '2013-01-31'
GROUP BY p.selldate
ORDER BY p.selldate ASC
now combining these two to get my final result is hard.
basically what the final query should look like is:
- make the sum of sumperday from day 1 to day 1
- make the sum of sumperday from day 1 to day 2
- make the sum of sumperday from day 1 to day 3
any help? thx. this is a simplified example of my final query.
Below is the sample. The idea is to obtain a initial data set ordered by date and having aggregate totals, implicit date range records. Then using the cursor you can pass through each row to get the final total column (amountCalc column in the sample) just by summarize the previous records - will work because you already have the columns ordered by date.
The procedure can have other input/ output parameters. Instead of getting info from table you can get data from one view, where the view can be already order by date asc. Is just a sample so can be customized as needed.
Good luck.