Json response:
{"status":true,"message":"Successfully Alert Message","Data":[{"longitude":"70.7652417","latitude":"22.2889975","alert_message":"abcd"},{"longitude":"70.7652417","latitude":"22.2888975","alert_message":"pqr",},{longitude":"70.7662417","latitude":"22.2898975","alert_message":"xyz"}]}
What I have done:
arraylist = parseContent.getUsers(response);
adapter = new ListViewAdapter(getApplicationContext(), arraylist);
Log.d("typelist", arraylist.toString());
for (int i =0;i<arraylist.size();i++)
longitude1 = arraylist.get(i).get("longitude");
latitude1 = arraylist.get(i).get("latitude");
// MarkerOptions mp = new MarkerOptions();
Double long1= Double.parseDouble(longitude1);
Double lat1= Double.parseDouble(latitude1);
/* mp.position(new LatLng(long1,lat1));
mp.title("my position");
/* Marker marker = googleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
.position(new LatLng(long1, lat1))
.title("Hello world")
// marker.add(marker);
// arraylist.add(marker);
// googleMap.addMarker(marker);
googleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(new LatLng(long1, lat1)));
Log.e("PlaceLL",lat1+" "+long1);
Latitude and longitude I am getting:
LL: 22.2889975 70.7652417
LL: 22.2888975 70.7652417
LL: 22.2898975 70.7662417
What I want is to put multiple markers with place name on Google Map, from my JSON response. But I am not able to place markers.
If I am right, your commented code must work fine like below.
For every loop iteration you have,
This is how you can add title and custom icon (fromResource/ fomFile/ ...) for marker, you can even flatten image using
Try these lines of code for it:-
May be these will help, Use method,
And for calling these method, after getting latitude and longitude from json for each