I have a table that contains color options for a product. The color options include a hex color code, which is used to generate the UI (HTML).
I would like to sort the rows so that the colors in the UI look like a rainbow, instead of the current order that sorts based off of the Name of the color (not very useful).
Here is what my query looks like. I get the R G B decimal values from the hex code. I just don't know how to order it.
I've looked into color difference algorithms. They seem more useful to compare 2 colors' similarity, not sort.
I'm using MySQL:
select a.*, (a.c_r + a.c_g + a.c_b) color_sum
from (
select co.customization_option_id,
concat(co.name, " (",cog.name, ")") name,
co.customization_option_group_id gr,
conv(substr(designer_hex_color, 1, 2), 16, 10) c_r,
conv(substr(designer_hex_color, 3, 2), 16, 10) c_g,
conv(substr(designer_hex_color, 5, 2), 16, 10) c_b
from customization_options co
left join customization_option_groups cog
on cog.id = co.customization_option_group_id
where co.customization_id = 155
and co.customization_option_group_id
in (1,2,3,4)) a
order by ????
If your products can have lots of color probably a good UI will require a color picker, normally those are rectangular, so not really something possible with the order by.
If the products have a manageable number of colors you have different choice, the easiest to implement is an order table, where for every possible color is defined an order position, this table can then be joined to your query, something like
Another way to go is to transform the RGB color to hue and use this as the order.
There are different formula for this conversion, depending on wich order you want the primary color to have, all of them can be found on the wikipedia page for hue, I can update the answer to help you convert one of those to T-SQL, if needed.
This is based on the answer by @dliff. I initially edited it, but it turns out my edit was rejected saying "it should have been written as a comment or an answer". Seeing this would be too large to post as a comment, here goes.
The reason for editing (and now posting) is this: there seems to be a problem with colors like 808080 because their R, G and B channels are equal. If one needs this to sort or group colors and keep the passed grayscale/non-colors separate, that answer won't work, so I edited it.
Again, I initially wanted to edit the original answer, not post as a separate one.
You want to sort hex codes by wavelength, this roughly maps onto the hue-value. Given a hexcode as a six character string:
.You just need to make a function that takes in a hexcode string and outputs the hue value, here's the formula from this Math.SO answer:
R' = R/255
G' = G/255
B' = B/255
Cmax = max(R', G', B')
Cmin = min(R', G', B')
Δ = Cmax - Cmin
I wanted to see if this would work, so I whipped up a sample program in Ruby, it samples 200 random colors uniformly from RGB-space, and sorts them, the output looks like a rainbow!
Here's the Ruby source:
Note, make sure to
gem install paint
to get the colored text output.Here's the output:
It should be relatively straight-forward to write this as a SQL user-defined function and ORDER BY RGB_to_HUE(hex_color_code), however, my SQL knowledge is pretty basic.
EDIT: I posted this question on dba.SE about converting the Ruby to a SQL user defined function.
MySQL function Hex to Hue. Based on Tobi's answer. :)