Very basic question I suppose, I just wanted to know how this code is read:
return someboolean ? new someinstanceofsomething() : someotherboolean ? new otherinstance() : new third instance();
I guess now as I'm writing it I kind of understand the statement. It returns option one if true but then does another boolean check if false and returns one of the two remaining options? I'm going to continue to leave this question because I have not seen it before and maybe others have not as well.
Could you go on indefinitely with ternary inside of ternary operations?
Edit: Also why is this/is this not better for code than using a bunch of if statements?
Ternary operators are right-associative. See assylias's answer for the JLS reference.
Your example would translate to:
And yes, you can nest these indefinitely.
It is defined in JLS #15.25:
In your case,
is equivalent to: