I want to get rows from HBase by using filter like QualiferFilter at python-api.
I know the way to get rows from HBase like under the code.
host = 'localhost'
keyConv = "org.apache.spark.examples.pythonconverters.ImmutableBytesWritableToStringConverter"
valueConv = "org.apache.spark.examples.pythonconverters.HBaseResultToStringConverter"
conf = {"hbase.zookeeper.quorum": host, "hbase.mapreduce.inputtable": "user",
"hbase.mapreduce.scan.columns": "u:uid",
"hbase.mapreduce.scan.row.start": "1", "hbase.mapreduce.scan.row.stop": "100"}
rdd = sc.newAPIHadoopRDD("org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.TableInputFormat",
keyConverter=keyConv, valueConverter=valueConv, conf=conf)
But, I also want to get rows by using filters.
What type of codes do I need to add?
Hello you can check this code................