What would the proper way to cancel TcpClient ReadAsync operation by timeout and catch this timeout event in .NET 4.5?
TcpClient.ReadTimeout seems to be applied to the sync Read only.
Tried tro apply the approach desribed here Cancelling an Asynchronous Operation
var buffer = new byte[4096];
CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(5000);
int amountRead = await tcpClientStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, 4096, cts.Token);
but it never cancels by timeout. Is anything wrong?
so I know that was from a long time but google still drive me here and I saw there is none marked as answer
for me, I solve like that I make an extension to add a method ReadAsync that takes extra timeout
so if it returned -1 that mean the read timed out
You have to implement it by yourself: it is not available in that class.
you should use a timer that will kill the async operation after a timespan or use the Read sync version in a a backgroundthread.
there you can find an example: Implementing a timeout with NetworkStream.BeginRead and NetworkStream.EndRead
Edit: the following gist is a workaround I did for this. https://gist.github.com/svet93/fb96d8fd12bfc9f9f3a8f0267dfbaf68
I really liked the answer from Khalid Omar and did my own version of it which I thought was worth sharing:
It is more or less the same thing except slightly differently formatted in a way that is more readable (to me), and more importantly it does not use
I wasn't sure why it was used in his example.Edit:
The above may seem good in a first glance but I found out it causes some problems. The readAsync call seems to leak if no data comes in, and in my case it seems that it reads a later write and the data is essentially returned within a place in memory no longer used.