can anyone suggest me the regular expression for ip address and mac address ?
i am using python & django
for example , http://[ipaddress]/SaveData/
for mac address i tried following but didn't work
You can use
for IPv4 Address and/^([\da-fA-F]{1,4}:){7}([\da-fA-F]{1,4})$/i
for IPv6 address.You can combine these two as
. You can find a sample here.Ref:,
For Mac Address You can use
. You can find a sample here.Place this snippet in your django routing definitions file -
Your regular expression only contains two capturing groups (parentheses), so it isn't storing the entire address (the first group gets "overwritten"). Try these:
IP addresses get trickier because the ranges are binary but the representation is decimal.
consider s= i'd like to make a little modification from Michal's answer:
notice '(^| )' means line start or space ahead, to avoid get '' from ''
alright so this is what I use for IPV4
tested with
and works for all
This is for MAC address: