In my eclipse RCP 3.3 application, I would like to enable or disable a 'save' toolbar button according to current editor dirty flag.
I'm trying to use the <enabledWhen> tag but I can't make it work.
Here's the portion of code in plugin.xml :
<instanceof value="activeEditor"/>
<test property="dirty" value="true"/>
Do you have any idea how that is supposed to work ?
I am not sure it can be entirely declarative.
Ca you check if the following thread can help you ?
In the case of the Save Action, it may be a Retargetable action.
Support for the 'Save' and 'Save All' actions is provided by the workbench so you don't need to implement it yourself as you are trying to do.
The recommended way is to add the support in your class that extends ActionBarAdvisor. The exact code will depend on the structure of the class, but the bits of code you will need are as follows.
in your field declarations:
in your makeActions method:
in your fillActionBars method:
The workbench will take care of the enabling and disabling for you.
If you do want to implement your own code to do this for whatever reason then the approach you are taking will work. You will need to correct the XML (for example, the instanceof element is checking that the selected object is an instance of a class called 'activeEditor', which is probably not what was intended).
If you encounter problems with property tester activation be aware that your property tester implementation must be located in the same plugin in which it contributes to org.eclipse.core.expressions.propertyTesters extension point.
A brilliant colleague of mine just found the answer for eclipse >= 3.3 :
Here's how to define the command in the plugin.xml :
Then, you have to define the propertyTester, again in plugin.xml :
And here is YourPropertyTester class which do the test :
try this:
I'm not sure if it will work, but there is a chance...