I have a project which I can build and deploy correctly using Ant
I want to build a war file to deploy the project.
I can get everything working except I cannot get the properties file to appear in the classes directory.
My properties file is located here: ${resources_dir}/${app}/Report.properties
This is the war section of my build file:
<war destfile="${dist_dir}/${app}.war" webxml="${resources_dir}/${app}/web.xml">
<fileset dir="${resources_dir}/${app}" includes="*.jsp,*.jspf,*.html,*.css" />
<zipfileset dir="${resources_dir}/${app}/webct" prefix="webct" />
<zipfileset dir="${resources_dir}/${app}/css" prefix="css" />
<zipfileset dir="${resources_dir}/${app}/js" prefix="js" />
<zipfileset dir="${resources_dir}/${app}/images" prefix="images" />
<classes dir="${build_dir}" includes="com/mycompany/${app}/*,com/mycompany/${app}/tixdata/*" />
<lib dir="${commonlib_dir}">
<include name="common.jar"/>
How can I move the properties file into the correct classes directory?
Just specify an additional classes element
It's just a special form of fileset.