I have a question, how can I draw try catch block in sequence diagram in UML? Can I draw the try as the normal case and the catch as the alternative case or no?
I'm using Visio to dram the UML sequence diagrams.
I have a question, how can I draw try catch block in sequence diagram in UML? Can I draw the try as the normal case and the catch as the alternative case or no?
I'm using Visio to dram the UML sequence diagrams.
UML sequence diagram lacks of being able to visualize exceptions. There are "workarounds" however, please refer to:
There is no standard way to model exception handling in a sequence diagram. Here is how I handle it:
The above diagram is generated with Web Sequence a free (open source) chrome extension. You can get it from here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/web-sequence/kcpganeflmhffnlofpdmcjklmdpbbmef or from the official site: https://www.zenuml.com . To test it out, you can simply paste the following code into the code editor of the above plugin or on the site.
It demonstrates that we have a try block. Within this block, we execute Action.Execute() in which InternalException could be thrown. Then we catch it, log an error and rethrow a HighLevelException, which is a quite typical exception handling strategy.