I'd like to exclude Internet Explorer from using a specific CSS class. Is this possible?
I have a css class that looks like -
input[type="radio"]:checked, input[type="radio"]:hover
box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #90BBD4;
Since Firefox's latest browser update removed the -moz-box-shadow property and I believe it now uses the default box-shadow instead, ... my Firefox is still working great, but Internet explorer now recognizes it and messes up the look.
How might I go about excluding IE from using this class or work around it somehow?
When people feel the need to make their website look different in different browsers (which is the complete opposite of what the Internet should be like...) they use this:
Then in your CSS you can put
to make IE-specific rules.This will set a class of the IE version the client browser is using.
Then using CSS you can target it to a specfic browser by using something like:
You can use IE conditional comments and set css rules in the css you include inside the comment.
For example: