Hello and happy new year, (it is acceptable to say it until Thursday)
I am trying to change the color of the tabs in the CTabCtrl class. I am trying to create my own ReskinCTablCtrl so that I can just call it in separate classes and easily use it throughout my program.
Currently I am able to change the background color of the CTabCtrl but I cannot modify the tab's themselves.
for painting the background and it worked without a problem:
BOOL ReskinCTabCtrl::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
CRect rect;
CBrush myBrush(RGB(51, 51, 51)); // dialog background color
BOOL bRes = pDC->PatBlt(0, 0, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), PATCOPY);
pDC->SetBkColor(RGB(51, 51, 51));
pDC->FillRect(&rect, &myBrush);
return bRes;
However, I have been unsuccesfull at changing the tab colors themselves. They are still the default MFC colors. I have tried to implement ON_WM_PAINT()
without any success. I think I can get to the specific tab rect with using both OnDraw and DrawItem similar to the second link example that I have posted in the end of this question.
void ReskinCTabCtrl::OnPaint() {
// paint the tabs first and then the borders
int nTab = GetItemCount();
int nSel = GetCurSel();
if (!nTab) // no pages added
while (nTab--)
if (nTab != nSel)
dis.itemID = nTab;
dis.itemState = 0;
VERIFY(GetItemRect(nTab, &dis.rcItem));
dis.rcItem.bottom -= 2;
I would really appreciate at least some direction to go about this problem, perhaps some more examples or what methods I should focus on using. I don't need the tabs to be different colors, maybe there is an easy way of doing this?
I've been trying to follow some examples like the following links but I still couldn't figure out the right way to do it.
Enable OwnerDraw for tab control, either in resource editor, or set
has message reflection forWM_DRAWITEM
therefore we don't want to overrideWM_DRAWITEM
from parent class. Instead override inCTabCtrl::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)
.Unfortunately the result is rather ugly. It's sort of like overriding
in a button.If Visual Style is available and enabled, then you can override
and draw everything manually. Example: