How can you print a string with a subscript or superscript? Can you do this without an external library? I want this to display in a TextView
in Android.
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The HTML.fromHTML(String) was deprecated as of API 24. They say to use this one instead, which supports flags as a parameter. So to go off of the accepted answer:
And if you want code that considers pre-24 API's as well:
This answer was derived from:
The flags and other documentation can be found here:
In the
files, you can just use the HTML<sup>3</sup>
tag. Work perfectly for meEXAMPLE
They are called Unicode characters, and Android
supports them. Copy the super/sub-script you want from this Wiki: Accepted answer is deprecated now. So please go through this piece of code. I got this from some website. I forgot the name but anyway thanks for this good piece of working code.
Note : Always put
of your spantext.To all people asking, if you want to make it smaller besides of making super or subscript, you just need to add tag as well. EX: