Need to call csv button from my custom button.
<button value="Export report to Excel" class="button-default datatable-csv" type="button" id="ExportReporttoExcel">
<span>Export report to Excel</span>
Instead of calling it from the Datatable button, i want the same functionality from the above button.
Looking for some configuration changes in Datatable so that i can call my custom button to export the table records as csv.
var table=$('#tableId').DataTable( {
"paging": true,
"info": true,
"searching": true,
,buttons: true
$("#SEARCH").on("keyup search input paste cut", function() {;
var buttons = new $.fn.dataTable.Buttons(table, {
buttons: [
Getting output like below but i need only one button.
At last i found the solution.
In Datatable configuration , i added click event for the button to be triggered.
This works fine for me thanks for the comments and answers
dataTables export buttons is by default enriched with signature classes like
and so on. Take advantage of that :If you are trying to trigger the click event of another button and you are using jQuery (according to your tags), you can use
This selects the element with the id "ExportReporttoExcel" and triggers a click with using jQuery.