I'm using d3.js to draw a (multi)line graph (with quite a few data-points, 1600 to be exact) on an svg element. This graph is in a container which has a transition on it.
On a certain event the container gets moved 400px to the top with a CSS3 transition which works fine in Chrome. When trying in Safari and Firefox I noticed that is was really slow. After some checks I can say with 99% certainty that the svg element gets redrawn during the transition (a lot) in Safari/Firefox (and possible other browsers, too).
Is there anyway to prevent the browser redrawing it constantly until the transition is finished? Or maybe other solutions that would make this fluent?
FYI: not drawing the chart in the SVG element makes the issue go away, so I'm certain the slowdown comes from the SVG element.
The simplified html code:
<div id="container" style="transition:margin 0.75s; -webkit-transition:margin 0.75s; ">
<svg id="simple_line" style='height:210px; width:100%;'/>
Generally speaking, using
or any other CSS position value to make objects move around the screen is sub-optimum. Try using a transform/translation style to create the movement, which will tell the browser to use graphical optimization methods.The idea is that a transform tells the browser to move around a block of rendered content, instead of re-calculating the whole layout. Results will still depend on the quality of the browser's implementation -- as you discovered, Chrome has good optimization either way, but this should reduce the browser-to-browser differences.