In the below query
{ $group : {
_id : { success:'$success', responseCode:'$responseCode', label:'$label'},
max_timeStamp : { $timeStamp : 1 },
count_responseCode : { $sum : 1 },
avg_value : { $sum : "$value" },
count_success : { $sum : 1 }
How _id : { success:'$success', responseCode:'$responseCode', label:'$label'},
can be translated to use in java mongodb driver.
I tried
BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
list.add(new BasicDBObject("success", "$success"));
list.add(new BasicDBObject("responseCode", "$responseCode"));
list.add(new BasicDBObject("label", "$label"));
AggregationOutput output = collection.aggregate(match, project, group);
Multi-dimension array
String [][] muitiGroupBy = {{"success", "$success"},{"responseCode", "$responseCode"},{"label", "$label"}};
But i always get like this as result
"_id" : [ { "success" : "$success"} , { "responseCode" : "$responseCode"}]
If I use only one field it works.
DBObject groupFields = new BasicDBObject( "_id", new BasicDBObject("success", "$success"));
We did figure out how. We can achieve by using this.
I could achieve this through this code (grails code and mongo-java-driver-3.2):
I had a similar need and titogeo's answer from 2013 led me in the right direction after many failed attempts to translate my aggregation operation into something the Java client could handle. This is what I used:
I got back exactly what I needed to match the result from this: