I'm trying to create a cmd file that will install a .msi and then execute that cmd file via C# code. The code works perfectly if I run it using f5 or control + f5 from visual studio.
However, once I package up the code in a .msi file and install it (it's a wpf app), when it executes the relevant code, it opens the command window but it doesn't execute the command. Instead it says: "C:\Program is not recognized as an internal or external command..." I know this error means that there aren't quotes around a file path but that's not the case, as you can see below the quotes are there. Also, if I go to the program files directory, the Reinstall.cmd file is present and has quotes in it. I can even double click the generated Reinstall.cmd file and it will execute just fine. What am I missing here??
Here is the code:
private string MSIFilePath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "HoustersCrawler.msi");
private string CmdFilePath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Reinstall.cmd");
private void CreateCmdFile()
//check if file exists.
if (File.Exists(CmdFilePath))
//create new file.
var fi = new FileInfo(CmdFilePath);
var fileStream = fi.Create();
//write commands to file.
using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(CmdFilePath))
writer.WriteLine(String.Format("msiexec /i \"{0}\"", MSIFilePath));// /quiet
private void RunCmdFile()
{//run command file to reinstall app.
var p = new Process();
p.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", "/k " + CmdFilePath);
You put them in the first portion, but not where you're executing
.Since your path has spaces in it, you need to wrap it in quotes. Try: