I am trying to check the file type in javascript and my code is:
function checkPropertyFileValidity(){
var property_file_input = document.getElementById('property_file');
if(!jQuery('.property_doc_div .property_doc_icon').hasClass("hidden")) {
jQuery('.property_doc_div .property_doc_icon').addClass("hidden");
if (property_file_input.files && property_file_input.files[0]) {
var property_file = property_file_input.files[0];
jQuery('.property_doc_div .remove_selected_file').removeClass('hidden');
if(property_file.type.match('application/pdf') && property_file.size <= 5242880) {
jQuery('.property_doc_div #property_doc_icon').attr("title",property_file.name);
jQuery('.property_doc_div .property_doc_icon').removeClass("hidden");
return true;
} else if(!property_file.type.match('application/pdf')) {
jQuery('.help-inline.property_file_error').html('You can select only pdf files');
return false;
} else if(property_file.size > 5242880) {
jQuery('.help-inline.property_file_error').html('File can not be greater than 5 MB');
return false;
return true;
Following is the version of my IE 11
and doing file.type gives empty string. Now this thing works good for chrome , Firefox and on IE 10 but not on IE 11. Kindly help me !!!