Is it possible to use an absolute path with @fontace?
I have the follow directory-structure:
| |- Monoton.woff
| |- Monoton.eot
| |- font.css
| |- fontface.css
Defined the font-face
@font-face {
font-familiy: Monoton;
src: url('../font/Monoton.woff') format('woff'); // EDIT: Change fonts to font the name of th woff-file
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
and used it in the css as class monoton:
@import url('fontFace.css');
.monoton {
font-familiy: Monoton, cursive;
font-size: 1.875em;
color: rgba(0, 200, 0, 1);
but it doesn't works in chrome, Firefox and co. Can somebody explain me why?
I have put the fontFace.css
and all font-files in the html-directory. Now it will work..
First of all that's relative path and not absolute path, absolute path means using like
and secondly it doesn't work because you have a folder calledfont
where as you are using../fonts/
.Also, I see that file names do not match, you have a file called
but you are usingMonoton-Regular-webfont.woff
, you need to change the file names accordingly and use the snippet belowYou can also use these fonts directly from google by including the below snippet in your stylesheet
You have a typo :