As a way to build a poor-man's watchdog and make sure an application is restarted in case it crashes (until I figure out why), I need to write a PHP CLI script that will be run by cron every 5mn to check whether the process is still running.
Based on this page, I tried the following code, but it always returns True even if I call it with bogus data:
function processExists($file = false) {
$exists= false;
$file= $file ? $file : __FILE__;
// Check if file is in process list
exec("ps -C $file -o pid=", $pids);
if (count($pids) > 1) {
$exists = true;
return $exists;
print("Doesn't exist\n");
Next, I tried this code...
(exec("ps -A | grep -i 'lighttpd -D' | grep -v grep", $output);)
print $output;
... but don't get what I expect:
/tmp> ./mycron.phpcli
FWIW, this script is run with the CLI version of PHP 5.2.5, and the OS is uClinux
Thank you for any hint.
Edit: This seems to work fine
exec("ps aux | grep -i 'lighttpd -D' | grep -v grep", $pids);
if(empty($pids)) {
print "Lighttpd not running!\n";
} else {
print "Lighttpd OK\n";
The main problem is the if you run a php script, the exec command will be run as the web-servers user (www-data); this user can't see pid's from other users, unless you use "pidof"
More information about the script here
i have a function to get the pid of a process...