In the intellij products I'm very fond of the live-templates. I wonder if it is possible to use the same syntax for file templates, e.g. formatting a variable to snake- or camel-camese, defining a starting cursor position and so on.
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Unfortunately you cannot use the same functions/macros available in Live Templates in File Templates.File Templates use Apache Velocity template language. It allows some Java(?) simple methods to be run on variables (e.g.
#set($class_start = $class.substring(0,1).toUpperCase())
). Quite possible that more complex methods will work as well.UPDATE (2017/01/13):
As of 2016.1 (or perhaps 2016.2) version it's now possible to use some Live Templates in File Templates as well (by checking
Enable Live Templates
checkbox for that File template). I'm not 100% sure if it will do the requested here thing (not tested myself).Syntax example:
#[[ $MY_VARIABLE$ $END$ ]]#