8.3.5/8 Functions [dcl.fct]
[...] Functions shall not have a return type of type array or function, although they may have a return type of type pointer or reference to such things. [...]
Why so explicit of a rule? Is there some syntax that would even allow returning a function as opposed to a function pointer?
Am I miss-interpreting the quote?
typedef void (*fp)();
void foo(){}
fp goo()
return foo; //automatically converted to function pointer
This is quite a contrived example of a function trying to return a function:
This is the error I get from Clang 3.2:
A syntax? Sure there is:
That doesn’t compile because the rule in §8.3.5/8 forbids it. I don’t know why the rule specifically exists – but consider that the type “function” doesn’t have any size so you cannot create objects of function type in C++.
I know this probably does not answer your question completely but it does so partially
You can return a function from another function (that's what lambdas are)