I want to generate multiple streams of random numbers in python. I am writing a program for simulating queues system and want one stream for the inter-arrival time and another stream for the service time and so on.
generates random numbers from a global stream.
In matlab there is something called RandStream which enables me to create multiple streams.
Is there any way to create something like RandStream in Python
Both Numpy and the internal random generators have instantiatable classes.
For just
:And for Numpy:
Veedrac's answer did not address how one might generate independent streams.
The best way I could find to generate independent streams is to use a replacement for numpy's RandomState. This is provided by the RandomGen package.
It supports independent random streams, but these use one of three random number generators: PCG64, ThreeFry or Philox. If you want to use the more conventional MT19937, you can rely on jumping instead.