I am doing a multiprocessing on a pandas dataframe by splitting it into several dataframes, which are stored as list. And, using Pool.map()
I am passing the dataframe to a defined function. My input file is about "300 mb", so small dataframes are roughly "75 mb". But, when the multiprocessing is running the memory consumption increases by 7 GB and each local process consumes about approx. 2 GB of memory. Why is this happening?
def main():
my_df = pd.read_table("my_file.txt", sep="\t")
my_df = my_df.groupby('someCol')
my_df_list = []
for colID, colData in my_df:
# now, multiprocess each small dataframe individually
p = Pool(3)
result = p.map(process_df, my_df_list)
print('Global maximum memory usage: %.2f (mb)' % current_mem_usage())
result_merged = pd.concat(result)
# write merged data to file
def process_df(my_df):
my_new_df = do something with "my_df"
print('\tWorker maximum memory usage: %.2f (mb)' % (current_mem_usage()))
del my_df
return my_new_df
#to monitor memory usage
def current_mem_usage():
return resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss / 1024.
My results are good but memory consumption is quite high for each 75 mb file. Why so ? Is it a leak? What are the possible remedies?
Output of the memory usage:
Worker maximum memory usage: 2182.84 (mb)
Worker maximum memory usage: 2182.84 (mb)
Worker maximum memory usage: 2837.69 (mb)
Worker maximum memory usage: 2849.84 (mb)
Global maximum memory usage: 3106.00 (mb)