Coming across "Sonar version 3.6 is required to perform local analysis" message when try to use Sonar Local Analysis in eclipse.
I just installed latest from CodeHaus
where the Compatibility Matrix is saying it 3.6+.
I am using Eclipse: Juno 4.2, with following plugins installed:
Sonar Java Analyser SonarSource
Sonar m2e Connector SonarSource
Any ideas?
With Sonar plug-in 3.0 local analysis could be launched fine.
With Sonar plug-in 3.2 I get the same error as you.
Please choose "Install new software..." and enter URL :
Are you running a sonarqube server?
I don't think you can use the plugin without the server running to connect to to do the analysis.
For the purposes you are looking at, I am assuming personal use, you could probably get away with the standalone instance of SonarQube, using the H2 embedded database.
Local Analysis Parameters
Parameters to configure local analysis can be set in various places. Here is the hierarchy of parameters:
Parameters defined in the SonarQube Web UI
Parameters set in the pom.xml file (for Maven projects only, with the m2e connector installed) will override parameters defined in the UI
Parameters defined in Eclipse will override parameters defined in the pom file (go to Window > Preferences > Sonar > Local analysis properties)
Parameters defined at project level in Eclipse will override parameters defined at Eclipse level (right click on the project and go to Properties > Sonar > Local analysis properties)
Excluding Plugins
Some plugins (useless for a local analysis) can be skipped while performing a local analysis thanks to the sonar.dryRun.excludePlugins property (Settings > Configuration > General Settings > General).
The default value is 'devcockpit,pdfreport,report,scmactivity,views'. For example, to skip the Build Stability plugin (due to, set the property to 'devcockpit,pdfreport,report,scmactivity,views,buildstability'.
Here is where I found this information: Running Sonar Qube In Eclipse
Double Check your settings
You might also want to double check your settings. The plugin will install the sonar instance for you for local analysis on localhost:9000. If you deleted this, this might be giving you the errors. You should have 2 servers listed on the config page, localhost, and your remote server
Refer back to this page too: Configuring Sonar With Eclipse
I had the same problem because I updated the eclipse plugin but forgot to update the sonar-server (SonarQube).
After following the upgrade guide and installing SonarQube 3.6.2 it worked again.