Since shortly, I receive "A task was canceled" when running the build task "Publish artifact". The tfs Server is running for a view weeks now and I never had problems with these tasks.
I fixed this issue once with deleting the build output Folder but unfortunately this "workaround" is not working anymore. I tried to change the artifact name in the hope that this could change something... Nothing helped.
Log file output:
2016-04-22T13:04:55.6060280Z Set workingFolder to default: C:\agent\tasks\PublishBuildArtifacts\1.0.26
2016-04-22T13:04:56.0896280Z ##[debug]check path :
2016-04-22T13:04:56.0896280Z ##[debug]set resource file to:
2016-04-22T13:04:56.0896280Z ##[debug]system.culture=en-US
2016-04-22T13:04:56.0896280Z ##[debug]load strings from:
2016-04-22T13:04:56.0896280Z ##[debug]load loc strings from:
C:\agent\tasks\PublishBuildArtifacts\1.0.26\strings\resources.resjson\en- US\resources.resjson 2016-04-22T13:04:56.0896280Z ##[debug]system.hosttype=build
2016-04-22T13:04:56.0896280Z ##[debug]PathtoPublish=C:\agent_work\3\a
2016-04-22T13:04:56.0896280Z ##[debug]check path : C:\agent_work\3\a
2016-04-22T13:04:56.1052280Z ##[debug]ArtifactName=MyArtifact
2016-04-22T13:04:56.1052280Z ##[debug]ArtifactType=Container
2016-04-22T13:04:56.1052280Z ##[debug]TargetPath=\my\share\My Artifact\My Artifact_2.3.16113.06 2016-04-22T13:04:56.2456280Z
Max Concurrent Uploads 2, Max Creators 1
2016-04-22T13:04:56.3392280Z Found 61 files to upload.
2016-04-22T13:04:56.3704280Z Files found locally 61,
2016-04-22T13:04:56.3704280Z Files evaluated 0,
2016-04-22T13:04:56.3704280Z Files left to evaluate 61.,
2016-04-22T13:04:56.3704280Z Files created without upload 0,
2016-04-22T13:04:56.3704280Z Files uploaded 0
2016-04-22T13:04:56.3704280Z Files left to process 61
2016-04-22T13:04:56.3704280Z ---------------------------
2016-04-22T13:04:57.7588280Z Start: UploadArtifact
2016-04-22T13:04:57.7588280Z ##[error]A task was canceled.
2016-04-22T13:04:57.7588280Z End: UploadArtifact
Has anyone experienced something like this? Does anyone has an idea how to solve this?
Thanks a lot for any
After adding the same task once more and removing the "Always Run" check, I got a useful error message:
That solved the case.