Whenever I try to run adb devices
$ adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
HT0ANRV05740 device
It says daemon is not running and restarts the daemon.
Then, if I run adb devices again, it does the same thing -
$ adb devices
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
HT0ANRV05740 device
Then, if I run it again, it again does the exact same thing -
$ adb devices
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
HT0ANRV05740 device
Please help!!
Also, my DDMS keeps giving me the following message -
[2011-02-23 16:17:05 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Here are the logs from just before adb restarts -
1291 locapi_rpc_glue V loc_ioctl
1291 RPC D written RPC packet size: [480]
1291 RPC D read RPC packet
1291 RPC D read RPC packet size: [28]
1291 lib_locapi V qct_loc_eng_inject_xtra_data, inject part = 100, len = 167, len = 167
1291 lib_locapi V qct_loc_eng_inject_xtra_data, total part = 100, len = 167
1291 locapi_rpc_glue V loc_ioctl
1291 RPC D written RPC packet size: [248]
1291 RPC D read RPC packet
1291 RPC D read RPC packet size: [28]
1291 lib_locapi D qct_loc_eng_inject_xtra_data: injected 39767, SUCCESS
1291 lib_locapi V inject_xtra_waiting = flase
1291 GpsLocationProvider D Releasing wakelock
1291 WifiService D releaseWifiLockLocked: WifiLock{NetworkLocationProvider type=2 binder=android.os.Binder@47aead50}
1291 WifiService D enable and start wifi due to updateWifiState
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage open event
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage client thread started
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage events processing done
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage register cb event
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage status id = 2
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage events processing done
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage open event
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage client thread started
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage events processing done
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage register cb event
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage status id = 2
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage events processing done
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage write event
1218 rmt_storage I unblock rmt_storage client thread
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage events processing done
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage write: bytes written = 3145216
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage write: bytes written = 512
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage status handle = 1
1291 BatteryStatsImpl I notePhoneSignalStrengthLocked: 4->3
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage write event
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage events processing done
1218 rmt_storage I unblock rmt_storage client thread
1291 PowerManagerService D New lightsensor value:40, lcdValue:143
1291 PowerManagerService D lightSensorChangedLocked, buttonValue >= 0, mPowerState = 3
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage write: bytes written = 3145216
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage write: bytes written = 512
1218 rmt_storage I rmt_storage status handle = 2
1291 RPC D read RPC packet
1291 RPC D read RPC packet size: [80]
1291 locapi_rpc_glue V Callback received: 80 (cb_id=0x50B0000 handle=1)
1291 RPC D written RPC packet size: [28]
1470 usicWidgetController D unbindMusicPlaybackService()
1707 MediaPlaybackService E BadQueue mPlayListLen : 0 mAlbumListLen : 0 mShrinkAlbumListLen : 0
1291 NotificationService V Battery Full, Charging
1291 lights E write ok string=0,len=1
1291 lights E write ok string=0,len=1
1291 lights E write ok string=0 0,len=3
1291 lights E write ok string=1,len=1
1707 MediaPlayer.java D setOnCompletionListener being cleaned to null
1291 lights E write ok string=0,len=1
1291 lights E write ok string=0 0,len=3
1291 NotificationService V Turn off Jogball/OJ LED
1291 NotificationService D cancelNotification, ACTION_NOTIFICATION_REMOVE,pkg=com.htc.music,id=1
1291 AudioService I AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from android.media.AudioManager@476ddee0com.htc.music.MediaPlaybackService$5@476dd838
I beat my head against the wall on this one. This started happening when I installed the latest version of HTC sync (3.0.5579). For some reason adb.exe was showing up multiple times in the task manager and I was getting the adb server is out of date killing errors multiple times. I found the adb.exe version in the HTC sync directory and the Android SDK platform-tools directory. I had the path setup correctly pointing at the android SDK directory and didn't see the HTC Sync path (maybe I was missing something, but I don't think so). Anyway, to fix the issue, I simply renamed the adb.exe file in the HTC Sync directory and everything worked again. This may not be the right way to go about this fix, but it worked for me.
System: Windows 10
My issue: Setting Genymotion to point to the custom SDK didn't have any affect. I still received the:
What I discovered was there was a difference in ADB versions being used throughout the system. Here is the command I used to find them:
This produced the results:
Navigating to each directory and running:
Allowed me to see that Expo was running ADB version:
While Genymotion using the custom SDK had version (c:\Users\kyle\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe):
As a test I took the adb files (adb.exe, AdbWinApi.dll, AdbWinUsbApi.dll) from
and placed them into a backup folder. I then moved the adb files located at
into that same location. I killed adb with:
which caused a restart of the adb server automatically due to having my Genymotion device already running. I hit the "Restart" button inside of the Expo XDE and it immediately began working. Here is the log where I hit the restart button at 1:13:04 AM:
Conclusion: Genymotion and Expo may need to use the same version of adb so that Expo can properly communicate with the simulated device. Pointing Genymotion to your android SDK location as well as ensuring Expo XDE has that same version will allow correct communication between devices. I moved the Expo XDE version to the SDK location, but you might be able to go the other way (take the sdk ADB files and place them in the Expo XDE resource location).
P.S. I've been all through the stackoverflow posts related to this issue. Just so you guys know my task manager shows three instances of adb.exe running. If you kill any of them they just come back.
Hope this helps /cheers
I also had this problem today, turns out I disabled my network drivers because I had WIFI/LAN issues. re-enabling fixed the issue
I just exited HTC Sync, tried again, and it worked. Notice: Phone went black(locked), I just turned it on, and there was my application running. :)
Did you try using the SDK version 8. Since the device is in 2.2, and your SDK is at 10, there might be conflict.
Best of luck with ur downgrading efforts!! Hope this solves.
Unfortunately I do not have enough reputation to comment yet. But the response marked as an answer sent me in the right direction.
I did not see anything in my path related to HTC Sync Manager, though I had it installed. I'm not working with my HTC device at the moment, and only had the sync manager installed to help with driver issues. Once uninstalling the HTC sync manager this issue went away for me.
Hope this helps someone else.